Even before the pandemic, many patients were nervous to come to the dentist. Whether you tense up in fear the moment your feet walk in the door, or you get stressed hearing the dental tools around you—you’re not alone. Dental anxiety is a real condition and we understand just how deeply it can affect our patients.

This is why at Design Dental Group, we ensure that our patients have access to compassionate care, as well as sedation dentistry if required, to help ease their mind and make them comfortable in the dental chair.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help induce relaxation and rid patients of dental anxiety. It comes in varying levels, from a minimal treatment where you’re just given a little something to take the edge off, to deep sedation.

It could be right for you if:

  • You generally fear the dental chair
  • Your gag reflex makes it difficult to have procedures done
  • Your teeth are very sensitive
  • Your pain tolerance is very low
  • You require a long procedure

How Does Sedation Dentistry Help with Dental Anxiety?

At the end of the day, sedation dentistry gives you a sense of calm that helps your mind and heart stop racing. It will put you in a calmer state of mind so we can clean your teeth or complete a longer procedure like a cavity filling or root canal. You won’t feel more than a pinch during the dental procedure and we’ll be done in no time.

If this is something that you feel you could benefit from, we would welcome you to come in for a consultation to learn more about sedation dentistry options.

Rid Yourself of Dental Anxiety with our Newport Beach, CA Dental Team Today!

Dr. Amini and his compassionate team at Design Dental Group in Newport Beach are ready to welcome you. Our goal is to ensure that every patient is well taken care of and comfortable. If that means utilizing sedation dentistry to assist, we will work with you to determine if it is a treatment option that may work for you! Schedule a dental appointment with our team today by calling us at 949-759-9777.